

鐘承諭 | 2019年11月01日

富比世網站的文章〈5 High-Paying Remote Jobs In The IT Industry That Are Not Programming〉中,作者提到很多人以為自己並非技術出身,就進不了技術產業。但其實科技公司與一般公司一樣,除了IT部門之外,也會需要人資、行銷、法律與財務等專業人才。此外在IT產業工作還有另一個優點,即使工作內容不是coding,但遠端工作的機會仍比其他產業還要來的大。



1. IT Headhunter/ HR Specialist (獵頭/人資專員)




You don’t have to be a techie to recruit techies, but you do have to understand the industry, where it is going, the newer technologies that are in demand, etc. And because the tech sector is rapidly evolving, you will have to keep a close eye on the in-demandskills,degrees,certificationsthat specific positions require.

IT產業中的人資專員平均年薪為美元$65,000 - $70,000,資深獵頭則可能達到$100,000美元。


2. Accountant (會計)



While there is plenty of software that will handle all of the less complex financial processes, an accountant is usually employed for more complex yet required needs such as audits, due diligence, payroll management etc.

3. Digital Marketing Specialist/Consultant (數位行銷/顧問)



It’s one thing for an IT firm to develop amazing software and apps. It’s quite another to market those products effectively. And for young tech startups, employing remote marketers is a wise and often necessary route to take if they want to get their products in front of end consumers.

而數位行銷工作又可根據不同利基細分為不同專業,如成長駭客與顧客獲取(Growth hacking & user acquisition)、搜尋引擎分析與優化(SEO analysis and optimization)、文案與內容行銷(Copywriting and content marketing)等,有些專家年薪甚至可達到十萬美金。


4. IT Sales Pros (IT銷售專家)




Major IT companies are usually catering to users from all around the world. So it is only natural that such businesses are often looking to hire sales representatives in locations where they have customers (or major interest), but don’t have representative offices.

5. Training & Development Consultant (訓練與發展顧問)


Many say that technology is evolving faster than we can keep up. What it means for IT firms is that there is a continual need for training and talent development, some of which will be in-house and much of which may occur digitally, because of remote workforces.You aren’t a techie, but if you are a seasoned pro in designing and setting up training and e-learning programs, there will be plenty of opportunities for you.


 〈5 High-Paying Remote Jobs In The IT Industry That Are Not Programming〉原文連結 


