
從詹皇 - 勒布朗·詹姆斯5句訪談語錄,了解贏家思維

籬籬刻思歌詞翻譯 | 2020年11月09日

湖人隊贏得2020年NBA季後賽冠軍,詹皇-勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)同時也創新紀 錄成為史上第一位在三支不同球隊勇奪總冠軍戰MVP的球星,當人們不斷拿他和籃球 之神麥可喬丹( Michael Jordan)比較時,他在訪談中謙虛的說喬丹是他的偶像。 在勒布朗·詹姆士(LeBron James)耀眼的成就背後有許多力量支撐著他,家庭如同基 石安定他的心、同甘共苦的隊友和他有著相同的奪冠渴望、以及他自己對籃球的初衷 、熱愛。

1. (1:07~1:51) Keep the focus on what you’re here for. Once you stepped on the floor, was gonna to survive. And um, I always felt like the Heat will be one of the teams um… that come out of the east, because I’ve been part of that culture, and this environment is perfect. Um, so for us to be able to um play against that franchise, play against that team, who was just as survivable as we were, it makes the outcome, like AD(Anthony Davis) said, much more sweeter. 心中只想著你打籃球的初衷。一踏進球場,就是要生存下來。我一直覺得是熱 火隊,從東部來的隊伍,因為我經歷過它隊中的文化,而這氛圍很棒! 所以我 們能跟這樣的隊伍對打,他們跟我們一樣難纏。這讓我們最後的贏球,像安東 尼戴維斯(Anthony Davis)說的,勝利更加甜美。


2. (2:07~2:29)I mean when you’re a guy who love his family, and does it for the family. You have moments when you question is it worth being away from your family like this. Is it worth it. But then you talk to your family and they give you reassurance of why you’re there. It makes it a lot easier for me. 當你是個深愛家庭的人,你做的一切都是為了家人。有些時候你會質問這一切 值得你離家千里嗎?但當你向家人訴說時,他們提醒你的初衷,他們的答覆使 你安心。而這消除我所有的擔憂。



3. (3:02-3:18) We are each other’s family, the entire team. You know, we stay in each other’s room, playing video game, doing whatever we can to stay together. Because we know it’s gonna be tough, and you know this organization does a great job of making sure it’s a family culture. 我們是彼此的家人,這個團隊。我們會聚在彼此的房間、一塊打遊戲,盡量聚 在一起。因為我們知道這些比賽、訓練將會很辛苦。球隊成功地建立了這家人 般的氛圍。

球隊成功地建立了這家人 般的氛圍。
球隊成功地建立了這家人 般的氛圍。

4.(8:48-8:52) You guys know how much I love Michael Jordan. I wear number 23 because of Michael Jordan. 你們都知道我愛麥可喬丹( Michael Jordan),我就是因為他才穿23號球衣。


5.(11:43-12:03) I don’t know my future holds. The only thing I can do is control the present. You can’t worry about yesterday, and future is a mystery. So you don’t know. I can control what is going on right now. And I’m happy to be a laker, I ‘m happy to be a champion. 我不知道我的未來。唯一我能做的事就是活在當下。你無法為明天擔心,而未 來即未知,你永遠不知道會發生什麼事。我只能掌握當下,而此刻,我很高興 是個湖人、我很高興奪得冠軍。




