“One day you’ll leave this world behind, so live the life you’ll remember.”(有天你會離開這個世界,所以過個永誌不忘的人生吧。)這句有名的歌詞出自已逝瑞典DJ Avicii的歌曲”The Nights”。自兒時便執著於在音符間找尋規律,創作出一首首震撼世人的歌曲的他對於生命亦有許多註解。包括怎麼去發現,開始追逐自己的夢想,以及熱愛你所喜歡的事,拼命地去做。雖然英年早逝,但他所留下來的作品,以及給予世人的警語,都將永遠的銘記我們心中。
1.Try to figure out where you’re most passionate about in life and what you’re good at and the mixture between those two, and then you should give it your all the time, you have to work really hard if you want get and you work with whatever you do. If you work hard enough, you’re gonna succeed.
2.You have to know melodies, and not everyone can learn that, but it’s definitely, made it easier for so many people to get into this and get started with it.
3. I used to notice the better things go like everyone said the more haters you get like by default. And I mean you can’t say it to everyone and it doesn’t really matter. Anyway, so right now, I just feel like brush it off and don’t really care that much.
4.Just feel so happy I’m one of the few people who can actually say that I love what I’m doing and I’ve gotten to the point where I’m at today. It’s amazing like I still can’t believe it.
5.Just keep doing and keep building it for as long as I can and for as long as I’m still loving it. Essentially what’s been so the most important thing for me since day one.